Discus Launch Glider for the DX9 and DX18 G2.

Discus Launch Glider for the DX9 and DX18 G2.

Regular price $ 24.95

Frustrated with programming your DLG? Need another Flight Mode so your Zoom Mode elevator trim is separate from speed Mode? Tired of borrowed templates that never seem to get it right? Then check out the capabilities of this product.

In DLG events, the winner is often the one that can launch the highest. If you launch with partial flaps or changing Speed Mode elevator trim messes up your Zoom Mode setting, your launch height will suffer. 

For those of you new to DLG, a lot happens during the launch phase.

As you prepare for the catch, large control throws are necessary to maintain control and Flaperons are lowered to slow the DLG. This is immediately followed by the (push the button) discus style spin which retracts the flaperons even if the Flap Stick is down, reflexes the ailerons, reduces the control throws along with a little up elevator followed by the release and (release the button) Zoom which neutralizes the elevator for straight line climb (separate trim for Zoom Mode) a little opposite aileron to counter the spin and finally push over at the top of the zoom and the radio returns to the Flight Mode the Switches are in.

And it all happens in 2 to 3 seconds.

It’s all built into the prepared template by simply pushing and releasing a single button!  No weird P-Mixes were used.  ALL of the Flight Mode Features are available in each Flight Mode. 

Other features to reduce pilot load include pulling the Flap Stick below 75% automatically toggles Landing Mode. 

If you purchase this guide, PLEASE read the FAQ's for information on downloading this digital download.  

The 79 page Guide shows you how to adjust the template for your particular model and flying style. Also included are 23 new Flight Mode Voices and a reorganized audio file. There is even a section on how to relocate the Button to the outside corner of the radio.

Here are some of the other features. 

• As a safety feature, the radio will not turn on until you retract the flaps.
• Elevator and Ailerons on the right stick and Rudder and Flaps on the left stick.
• Six flight modes are active, Speed, Thermal, Cruise, Launch, Zoom and Land.
• 23 new Flight Mode voices. 

LAUNCH MODE: (announced with voice)
• Push a button to enter this mode which retracts the flaperons even if the Flap Stick is in the down position.
• Appropriate trailing edge preset for both Ailerons.
• Independent elevator trim setting.
• Appropriate changes in Rates, and Aileron to Rudder mix.
• Camber Slider is off. 

ZOOM MODE: (The prepared template actually announces "Light Speed" but is easily changed)
• Release a button and a sequencer creates a virtual flight mode which retracts the flaperons for a set period of time.
• Independent elevator trim setting separate from Speed Mode. 
• Reflexed trailing edge preset for Ailerons.
• Appropriate changes in Rates, and Aileron to Rudder mix.
• Priority over all other modes
• Camber Slider is off.
• Voice announces altitude automatically at pushover at the top of the zoom.

SPEED MODE: (announced with voice)
• Speed Mode is separate from Zoom Mode.
• Reflexed trailing edge Preset.
• Independent elevator trim setting is separate from Zoom Mode.
• Camber Slider is inactive.
• Appropriate changes in Rates, Differential and Aileron to Rudder mix.
• Snap Flap is available if activated.
• Voice announces altitude automatically at pushover at the top of the zoom. 

CRUISE MODE: (announced with voice)
• Neutral trailing edge Camber Preset.
• Independent elevator trim.
• Camber Slider is active. Camber Slider only droops the trailing edge.
• Appropriate changes in Rates, Differential and Aileron to Rudder mix.
• Snap Flap is available if activated.
• Additional down elevator to help push over at the top of the zoom.
• Voice announces altitude automatically at pushover at the top of the zoom.

THERMAL MODE: (announced with voice)
• Drooped trailing edge Camber Preset.
• Independent elevator trim.
• Camber Slider is active. Camber Slider only droops the trailing edge.
• Appropriate changes in Rates, Differential and Aileron to Rudder mix.
• Snap Flap is available if activated. 

LANDING MODE; (announced with voice)
• Pulling the flap stick below 75% automatically activates Landing Mode.
• The 75% kick point can be modified.
• Adjustable Flaperon travel.
• Two methods to match Flaperons so they move together.
• Flap to Elevator compensation expo curve with seven points.
• Appropriate changes in Rates, Differential, Aileron to Rudder mix.
• Setting Absolute Travel so a combination of Full Down Flaperons and Full Aileron will not over drive the wing servos.
• Reverse Differential to retain roll control at Full Down Flaperon.

• Master volume on the Right Knob.
• Cross Trim is active and places Right Stick trims on the Left Stick (easily changed).  
• Sounds for key click and the scroll wheel are inhibited.
• Appropriate voices for each flight mode and telemetry if a telemetry module is installed.
• A 10-minute count down timer and a stopwatch with voices linked to the Launch Mode Switch so the timer starts automatically when you switch out of Launch Mode and into Speed Mode.
• Toggle a switch to call out time remaining.
• A timer that keeps track of total accumulated flight time. Same start sequence as the 10-minute count down.

IF YOU HAVE TELEMETRY: (A telemetry module and appropriate sensors are required)
• You can track signal quality (by each individual antenna) between the transmitter and receiver and voltage without additional sensors.
• Add either an altimeter or variometer sensor and the transmitter will announce altitude when you push over at the top of the zoom.
• Add a current sensor and the transmitter will announce the gas remaining in the tank. (current left in the battery). This a WAY better method than tracking voltage.
• Add a 40G Load sensor set to record Max load and you can read the Max G load in real time. Great for working on your launch technique.
• You can record telemetry that is automatically saved to the SD card for later play back.
• Toggle a switch to call out altitude.

Sample pages from the Guide:



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